Nestled on the tripoint of Bel Air, Brentwood and the Westwood Hills, this enchanting home is nothing short of picturesque. Stroll under the arborous canopy and out onto the alluring pool and expansive front courtyard. Head up the front stairs and step into the opulent living room, equipped with its own personal bar. The kitchen and dining alcove overlook the lush backyard, offering a tranquil ambiance. Featuring 5 bedrooms and 5 baths. The master suite has copious amenities: a balcony patio, a fireplace, a deluxe bathroom, his and hers walk-in closet, and an office/lounge room. The guest suite sits completely separate from the other rooms. Each room seamlessly flows from one to the other in this contemporary home. Behind the garage is a roomy storage area, easily converted to an entertainment annex. Abundant with nooks and terraces, this home is ideal for lounging, both inside and out. Its cozy, yet refined interior brings versatility to this luxury family home.
It's not Business.................It's Personal...